The most popular variation of the game is without doubt Deuces Wild video poker, which employs the 2-value card called deuce as a 'wild' card. The 'wild' deuce can substitute for any other card in the deck to make any poker hand. So, for instance, in a case where you have one kind and a deuce, the deuce would substitute another king giving you 2-kings. If you were to have three queens and a deuce, you could have 4-queens by substituting the deuce for another queen. The deuce can be anything that will make or improve your poker hand: straight, flush, full house, 4-of-a-kind, 5-of-a-kind, and also the Royal Flush.
A normal deck of 52 cards would have four of each value card, as well as four deuces. Because of this fact, Deuces Wild video poker also has a secondary jackpot in the case that you get four-deuces. The average amount is 1000 coins, though some casinos have been known to go as high as 4000 coins. The catch to this whole payoff system is that the regular hands that you can make are paid off at a much lower rate than that of a regular or bonus video poker machine. To give you an example, a full house on a regular 9/6 machine will pay 45 coins for a 5-coin bet, 40 coins for a 5-coin bet on a 8/5 machine, and only 15 coins on the Deuces Wild machine.
One of the reasons the payoff per hand is lower than average is because having four deuces in the deck allows the player to make more winning hands. On top of that, you also have a chance of hitting the secondary jackpot (four-deuces), which brings the house edge down significantly. However, the house edge can't go to low. So, the low payoffs balance out with the secondary jackpot. The three highest jackpots on a Deuces Wild video poker machine are the Royal Flush with deuces at 125 coins, the four deuces at 1000 coins and the Royal Flush without any deuces at 4000. This just a general payout criteria, though it might differ from casino to casino.